We would like to let you know of an outstanding educational opportunity for student horse lovers and owners at the 2025 Midwest Horse Fair – “Journey Home”. Hundreds of clinics, seminars, and events that feature the best horse professionals from across the country will be included.
Clinics on Horsemanship, Dressage, Farrier & Veterinary Care, Driving, Jumping, Mulemanship, Reined Cowhorse and Barrel Racing are just a few of the many topics and disciplines covered each day. Clinicians such as Curt Pate, JJ Tate, Pam Bound, Hope Glynn, Tiffany McLaury and Amber Marshall from the TV show Heartland to name a few will be part of an extensive roster of equine professionals who will be sharing their experience and expertise.
On Friday, we are again proud to be partnering with the Wisconsin Association of FFA to host the Wisconsin FFA State Horse Evaluation Career Development Event (CDE). Join us to watch and learn as the Top 25 FFA teams in Wisconsin compete for the opportunity to advance to the National FFA Horse Evaluation CDE held at the National FFA Convention. The Wisconsin FFA State Horse Evaluation CDE is scheduled to take place in the Triple Crown Nutrition Arena from 9 a.m. – Noon at the Midwest Horse Fair.
Also this year we will again be hosting an Equine Career Exploration feature for students to explore horse-related career paths and college opportunities, including presentations, round-table discussion, one-on-one sessions, and a “Careers in the Industry” scavenger hunt.

Of course, our event wouldn’t be complete without the marvelous horses; 35+ different breeds and disciplines will be presented throughout the weekend.
We would like to present Wisconsin 4-H clubs with a special offer of $15.00 per ticket (youth or leader) vs. $25.00 at the gate for attendance on Friday, April 11, 2025. The group tickets must be purchased by the 4-H Youth leader, with a minimum purchase per club of 8 tickets. The Wisconsin 4-H Ticket Order Form is valid until March 14, 2025.
Please Note: A 4-H club issued check is required for the payment
Wisconsin 4-H Ticket Order Form
We hope that you’ll consider experiencing the 2025 Midwest Horse Fair – “Journey Home” for a fun-filled and educational field trip! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at 920.623.5515 (extension 12).
See you in April!
Midwest Horse Fair Staff