Listed below are some of the 4-H resources used by 4-H club leaders and club officers:
Does your 4-H club need a new or revised constitution and bylaws? Try these sample forms to get you started. Please contact Annie Lisowski for additional help in creating 4-H club bylaws.
Does your 4-H club want a sample budget to work from? Developing a budget will help simplify the completion of the Annual Financial Report at the end of the fiscal year.
Listed below are descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of each of the 4-H club officers. These resources should help club members perform their officer duties effectively and improve their leadership skills.
So You’re the Club Vice President
Treasurer – Wisconsin 4-H Club Treasurer Handbook
So You’re the News Reporter of Your Group
The 4-H program encourages members to use basic parliamentary procedures for their club business meetings. The following links define parliamentary procedures and the steps in making club decisions.
Each club member – not just the officers – need to become familiar with the basics so they can contribute to their clubs business meetings effectively.