Friends of Buffalo County 4-H

Make A Contribution Today to Illustrate Your Support for Buffalo County 4-H!

The Buffalo County 4-H Trust Fund was established in the fall of 1992 to ensure the future of 4-H in Buffalo County. In 2021, the 4-H Trust Fund was dissolved and assets were transferred to Friends of Buffalo County 4-H, Inc., a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation. Our youth are our future. Investing in the future is a commitment to helping young people thrive. The contributions we give today are at work building good citizens and the future leaders of tomorrow. Your financial contribution or memorial gifts guarantee that the Buffalo County 4-H program remains viable and strong! Each year, Friends of Buffalo County 4-H, Inc. distributes interest earned to the Buffalo County 4-H Leaders Association to further 4-H learning experiences and youth development programs for Buffalo County youth.

Friends of Buffalo County 4-H Brochure

Friends of Buffalo County 4-H Board Members

John Stettler, Board Chair (Fountain City)

Linda Larson, Board Vice Chair (Nelson)

Bob Major, Treasurer (Alma)

Ileana Garcia-Soto, Secretary (Mondovi)

Steve Nelson, Director (Mondovi)

Fay Passow, Director (Cochrane)

Barb Traun, Director (Durand)

JoAnn Schaffner, Director (Cochrane)

Annie Lisowski, 4-H Youth Development Educator (Fountain City)

Patience Larson, 4-H Youth Representative (Nelson)


Please send your name, address, phone and email with a check made payable to Friends of Buffalo County 4-H to:

Division of Extension
Friends of Buffalo County 4-H
407 S. Second St.
Box 276
Alma, WI 54610-0276
Telephone: (608) 685-6256

A tax-deduction receipt is provided to the contributor at the name and address provided.

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