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How to Join and Enroll in 4-H
To Join 4-H in Buffalo County:
- Look through the Buffalo County 4-H club list and find a club that meets at a location, time and day of the month that is convenient for your family. If you are having trouble deciding between a couple of clubs, contact the club leaders or the Buffalo County UW Madison-Division of Extension Office to find out more information about the club projects and activities that they participate in during the year. This should help you decide which club would best fit your family.
- Contact the leader of the club you would like to join. Let the leader know you are interested in attending their next club meeting and confirm the time and place.
- Complete the online enrollment process. See link below.
- Congratulations! You are now a Buffalo County 4-H member!
To Enroll in Buffalo County 4-H:
- Go online to http://wi.4honline.com to enroll in Buffalo County 4-H. Below you will find step by step instructions with screen shots of how to complete the online enrollment process. If you have questions you can contact the Extension Office at 608-685-6256.
You are able to switch 4-H clubs in Buffalo County. If you decide to switch to a new 4-H club, please do the following:
- First contact the leader of your current 4-H club and let them know of your plans.
- Then contact the leader of the 4-H club you wish to join.
- Request to change 4-H clubs in 4-H Online. Contact the Buffalo County Extension office, 608-685-6256 or annie.lisowski@wisc.edu
Buffalo County 4-H Project Guide
4-H Online Family Enrollment Guide
2024-2025 Buffalo County 4-H Clubs
WELCOME Buffalo County 4-H Family Guide