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4-H Horse Project

4-H Horse Project
2024 Calendar of Events for B.C./Pepin 4-H Equine Project:
- March 24 – Kick-0ff meeting at 1 PM in the 2nd floor Courthouse conference room/ virtual
- April 14 – Saddle maintenance clinic at Sundance Leather & Saddle Works, Mondovi
- June 6 – Practice night- 6 to 8 pm at Midnight Riders Arena
- June 13-15th – Trempealeau Co. Horse Camp
- June 20 – Practice night- 6 to 8 pm at Midnight Riders Gymkhana Clinic w/ Ashley Walstrom
- June 27 – Practice night- 6 to 8 pm at Midnight Riders
- July 4 – Horse/pony rides at Buffalo City- 2 to 5 pm.
- July 11 – Practice night- 6 to 8 pm at Midnight Riders
- July 18 – Practice night- 6 to 8 pm at Midnight Riders
- July 20- Horse show at Midnight Riders- Registration 8:30 AM- Show 9 AM
- July 28 – Pen set-up at fairgrounds 6:30 pm
- July 31- Decorating and cleaning 6:30 pm
- Aug. 1 – Display set-up and equine in pens by 4 pm.
- **Horse/pony rides- 5 to 7
- Aug. 2 – **Horse/pony rides- 1 to 3
- ** Horse/pony rides- 5 to 7
- Aug. 3 – **Horse/pony rides- 1 to 3
- ** Horse/pony rides- 5 to 7
- Aug. 4 – Horse/pony rides- Noon to 2
- Take down- 4 pm
- *** Requirement forms are due to Linda- Participation points add up!! Keep track….
- Aug. 10 – Lit’l Britches Rodeo clean-up
- Aug. TBA – District Gymkhana Show
- Sept. TBA – State Gymkhana- State Fairgrounds- West Allis
- Sept. TBA – State Horse Expo- State Fairgrounds- West Allis

Buffalo County 4-H Horse Project Leaders:
Kelli Krzyszton – 715-533-9759 mkk@mwt.net
Linda Fetting – 608-626-2931 crcorner@mwt.net
Mary Norby – 715-926-5973 amnorby@frontier.net
Memorial Awards
Winners of the Wisconsin State 4-H Horse Association Sportsmanship Award
A sportsmanship award should be one of the proudest awards that is received. In recounts your character, how you treat others, how you handle difficult situations, and how you live the 4-H motto to make the best better. It speaks of a member that thinks of others and makes sure that everyone feels like a space is everyone’s place. The award takes into account more than a moment or a specific time but of how someone lives and breathes sportsmanship as a way of being.
Heidi Major Sportsmanship Award
Heidi Major was a young mother and member of the Clover 4-H. She had a lifelong love of horses and excelled in competition. Heidi had the unique ability to encourage those around her and coax that little bit of extra effort and courage out of beginning equestrians. She also had the determination, skill, and savvy to work for the best as a team with her horse. Heidi believed that, regardless of ribbons or trophies, anyone who participates and goes after their goal finds victory in the day.
The recipient of this award will be chosen by the horse project leaders, based on qualities of sportsmanship and character.

Jeremy Goss Outstanding Character Award
Jeremy Goss, a member of the Naples 4-H and Mondovi FFA, was involved in the Equine Project for several years. He was also active in the dairy, woodworking, and crops projects as well as Midnight Riders. He competed in the 4-H District Gymkhana. Jeremy had a winning attitude in all areas of life. He was resourceful, responsible, respectful, and hardworking. Always positive, he helped others freely with a generous, kind spirit. Never one to complain, he triumphed admirably over many challenges. Jeremy will be remembered as a young man of outstanding character.
The recipient of this award will be chosen by the horse project leaders, based on qualities that most reflect those listed above.
4-H Horse Project Additional Information
Virtual Learning 4-H Horse Project Credits:
Horse Learning Lessons – Complete a Youth Course in Horse Sense or HorseXploration.
4-H Horse Curriculum – Read an age-appropriate chapter of the curriculum, download and complete activities and take a quiz.
The Horse/Your Guide to Equine Health Care – Read the article and write 2-3 paragraphs about what you learned or what you plan.
4-H Horse Project Forms:
Buffalo/Pepin County 4-H Horse Project Requirements A new Google Form submission!
Horse Entry Worksheet: This document is to assist you in Fair Entry selection only. Optional and does not need to be returned.
Horsless Horse (HLH) vs Managerial Horse Information
Wisconsin Equestrian Guidelines For county show class descriptions Go to Chapter 4 of WI 4-H Horse Association Handbook for current Equestrian Guidelines
Additional Information
Useful sites to find event details and other interesting places.
Competitive Mounted Orienteering
Diamond W Ranch, Dodge, WI
Minnesota Equestrian Center, Winona, MN
Midnight Riders Arena, Mondovi, WI
Michael Sparling Horsemanship Clinics
Leashes and Leads Equine Park, Byron, MN
Loomis’ Lazy L, Mondovi, WI
Shows/ Events at Pepin Arena, Pepin, WI
Trinity Equestrian Center, Eau Claire, WI
UWRF Colts in Training, River Falls, WI
UWRF Equine, River Falls, WI
Villa Louis Carriage Classic, Prairie Du Chien, WI