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Comfort for Drug Endangered Children

The 2016 Buffalo County 4-H Countywide Service-Learning Project was to support drug endangered children who are removed from their homes in partnership with child protective services and law enforcement by providing infants, children and teenagers with a comfort bag. The 4-H Leaders’ Association is challenging every 4-H Club in Buffalo County to get on board and actively participate in this year’s countywide service-learning project in their own way.
The goals of our service-learning project are:
· Work together within 4-H clubs and across Buffalo County
· Develop new 4-H project skills
· Perform community service to meet a local community need
· Strengthen leadership skills and youth-adult partnerships
· Show empathy (compassion) for others

Information for developing DEC Comfort Bags:
- Our goal of 50 bags total countywide (approximately 4 per club)
- Encouraged to have one or more of the items be handmade
- Remember we need comfort bags for a variety of ages (infant to teenager) so include comfort books and toys for a large spectrum of developmental needs
- Items should be of interest to young people and either be new or modern handmade
- Keep in mind that drug endangered children are stripped of all the belongings that make them feel safe and comfortable and are likely going to live in a new home and possibly a new school. Remember to include items that can help them feel calm and important.
Each Comfort Bag Should Contain the Following as Outlined:
- Cinch sack, tote with closure, or backpack
- Pillow and/or blanket
- Stuffed animal or special pillow
- New book and handmade bookmark
- Coloring book and crayons, crossword puzzle book with neat pen and/or mini-game
- Special non-perishable treat (gum, toddler cereal, lifesaver gummies, etc.)
- Unique personal item(s) (lip balm, nail polish, small Kleenex, etc.) (Not toothbrush and toothpaste as these have already been secured from Midwest Dental)
- Optional: homemade scarf, hat, socks or other personal item (not shoes or clothing)
- $25 for shoes and clothes (monetary contribution only as these items need to be new and individualized for each youth) Checks can be made out to Buffalo County 4-H Leaders and will be distributed to DEC at the end of the project.
- Special note from one child to another