Buffalo County 4-H Clubs

There are currently 11 4-H community clubs throughout Buffalo County. The document listed below shows each club, where they meet, and the Club Leader contact information. Feel free to contact any of the leaders for more specific information about their club’s activities and events. A printable PDF of Buffalo County 4-H Clubs is also available at the bottom of this page.

4-H ClubFull NamePhoneEmailMeeting Location
BBC 4-H Stephanie Foust608-687-3172mfoust6@hotmail.comBuffalo City Building
Bear Creek 4-H Wendy Kleinschmidt715-926-3704battlehyme22@gmail.comMarten Center, Mondovi
Cheerful Workers 4-H Laurie A Bauer715-673-4870labdab77@gmail.comLyster Parish Hall, Urne
Cheerful Workers 4-H Tracee Wilkerson715-672-3760twilkerson@alliancebank.usLyster Parish Hall, Urne
Clover 4-HKathryn Noll608-685-3531horsenoll@gmail.comAlma American Legion
Glencoe Hustlers 4-HAngela Berg608-323-2396



Glencoe Town Hall
Glencoe Hustlers 4-H  Beth Pehler 608-863-3256 bethpehler@gmail.com Glencoe Town Hall
Golden Hornets 4-HDon Dittrich608-626-3991dittrich@mwt.netMilton Town Hall

Hill & Hollow Helping Hands 4-H

Nicole Hunger



Cross Town Hall
Hill & Hollow Helping Hands 4-HJason Bork507-429-7030jbork98@gmail.comCross Town Hall
Hilltop Climbers 4-HPatty George715-279-4554pattygeorge69@gmail.comMarten Center,
Lookout Legends 4-HJennifer Serum715-495-6535jjschultz50@yahoo.comGilmanton Elementary School
Lookout Legends 4-HAmy Guenther715-946-3073kamhguenther@yahoo.comGilmanton Elementary School
Lucky 16 4-HShelby Meier507-456-7979smeier@mondovi.k12.wi.usMondovi School
Lucky 16 4-HJennifer Sandberg715-579-8883lucky16club@gmail.comMondovi School
Mill Creek 4-HPenny Danzinger608-685-9600twinmom21407@gmail.comAlma
Montana Pioneers 4-HAshley Ellis507-459-7133ashleyannellis@hotmail.comMontana Town Hall
Montana Pioneers 4-HWhitney Ellis507-995-5903wrahn09@winona.eduMontana Town Hall
Montana Pioneers 4-HGennah Bremer715-495-9775glb1486@gmail.comMontana Town Hall