Adult leader & 4-H alum Abby George shared her expertise and passion for photography at a project meeting for Hilltop Climbers 4-H Club members on November 3. They discussed camera settings, focal points, rule of thirds, leading lines, and symmetry. Abby also brought photos for the group to look at and discuss their qualities.

Hilltop Climbers 4-H Club met on November 3rd, 2024 at the Marten Center. We introduced our new officers who all received their 4-H pins. We also gave recognition to Allison George, Julia Jardine, and Julia Moats for outstanding record books. In addition, we recognized the following leaders for their service: Jeremy and Julie Pichler (15 years), Laura Berger (1 year), and Jen Brenden for (5 years). Our December 15th meeting will include caroling, stuffing stockings, and a potluck. Please bring a homemade Christmas card for the nursing home. More details are to come in regards to officer gift shopping and time for caroling. Our next meeting is on Sunday, December 15th at 3 pm at the Marten Center.
-Jaden Brenden Hilltop Climbers reporter