Buffalo County 4-H Members Attend Fall Forum 2024

Julia Moats Perspective: This past weekend I got the opportunity to attend Fall Forum in Stevens Point, WI with my mother and my niece, Kendall. This was my 8th year attending, two of those years being virtual. This was my first time attending as an adult leader, not a youth leader, which was very exciting. We arrived early Saturday morning and participated in different “Spark” stations. I painted a rock, and there were other stations like bracelet making. While there, I attended three different sessions: anything but a paintbrush, plant propagation, and a geology session! Later that night, we had an ice cream social and a dance! Sunday morning, we ate breakfast and had a chance to connect with other youth and adult leaders from other counties! I had a great time at this year’s Fall Forum!

Michelle Moats Perspective: Fall Forum has always been an event that I have looked forward to each year.  My first year attending was in 2017 along with my daughter, Julia. Fall Forum is a weekend of activities, learning new things, reconnecting with old friends and making new ones.  Some of my very best friends are ones that I have met through Wisconsin 4-H.   I always enjoy seeing the youth I have met while being a chaperone on different events. My oldest granddaughter has been attending since 2018 and I look forward to attending Fall Forum with our youngest granddaughter who is a new Cloverbud!

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