Meat Animal Educational Credit

Meat Animal Educational Credit

All meat animal exhibitors planning to exhibit at the Buffalo County Fair in affiliation with Pepin County, must earn one meat animal educational credit in addition to the YQCA training during the project year. Following the session, exhibitors must complete the Meat Animal Educational Credit online form. The Meat Animal Educational Credit form submission is due by the Friday before the Fair begins.

Educational sessions may be approved in-person events or online courses.

Online Options

Animal Sciences Virtual Education Series The Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program (WYLP) is excited to offer these LIVE Virtual Zoom educational programs for the spring of 2023.  These current topics are for youth and adults alike and occur on the first Monday of the month from January through March.

Prepare 2 Respond (P2R) This USDA funded grant project is a great way for youth to understand animal disease responses at local events. “A learner-engaged program designed to empower exposition employees, volunteers & first responders by building awareness of biosecurity and disease mitigation, resulting in a more rapid response and reduced impact”

Beef University This interactive training program provides resources that help to better understand the beef industry.

4-H Meat Judging Learn quality meat evaluation, classes and grading, cut identification and more from a variety of online trainings through the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.

Meat Animal Educational Credit Form

Meat Animal Educational Credit Form Meat animal exhibitors must submit the Meat Animal Educational Credit form once they have attended or completed an approved educational session. Credits are due by the Friday before the Fair begins.

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