4-H Art Spark – Ignite your passion!

What you need to know: Note: Youth must be accompanied by a guardian to attend this event. Custodial care will be provided by a parent or guardian age 16 or older. 4 stations and participants move between 4-H Art Sparks activities at their own choice.  3D printing – provides an interactive way to explore concepts in […]

4-H Camp Kinnissippewa 2025 – Register Now!

Save The Date! 4-H Camp Kinnissppewa Overnight! Choose your own adventure! Date: June 11-12, 2025 Time: 12:30 PM June 11 – 3:30 PM June 12 Cost: $125 Who: 3-8 grade 4-H youth in Buffalo, Pepin, Trempealeau Counties Where: Camp YMCA Pepin Stockholm, WI Camp Activities: Campfires, Games, Scavenger Hunt, Swimming, Science, Arts & Crafts, High […]

Hilltop Climbers 4-H Club Tours CVTC

Chippewa Valley Technical College provided a tour for members of the Hilltop Climbers 4-H Club on Tuesday, November 26th. Youth and adults had the opportunity to engage with students and faculty and learn more about career clusters in different industries. CVTC’s partnership with Buffalo County 4-H in the last year has opened up possibilities for […]

B-BC 4-H Club December Meeting

B-BC 4-H Club met on Sunday, December 1 for a holiday service-learning project, winter wood burning craft, and regular 4-H club meeting. 4-H members shopped for most needed items for the Free Little Pantry that 4-H members, Nehemiah and Matthias Herold, maintain. Then, members held their business meeting to practice creating motions, update their bylaws […]

2024 Friend of 4-H Award

Chippewa Valley Technical College – Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Department was awarded the Buffalo County Friend of 4-H award on Wednesday, November 27th by the Hilltop Climber’s 4-H and Bob Major. They have been a great support to the Buffalo County 4-H this past county fair. Last fall they installed air conditioning in the […]

4-H Senior Scholarship Interviews 2024

Cecelia Dittrich – My most significant 4-H project is dairy. My dairy experience is a project that continues throughout my enrollment as a 4-H member. Since I started, I have expanded my knowledge and begun to pick out my own animal on the farm. In high school, I started to focus on teaching and encouraging […]

Wisconsin Distance Learning

The Wisconsin Distance Learning Team provides access to education across Wisconsin today by sharing resources and access to content through non-traditional programming including Check out our Upcoming Programming! Wisconsin Distance Learning – Wisconsin 4-H

Wisconsin 4-H Space Camp

Registration for 2025 4-H Space Camp opens November 15th in 4HOnline! Registration is open to youth in grades 6-8 who are newcomers to Space Camp. Space Camp will take place from May 1-5, 2025. This educational experience is a wonderful opportunity for youth to learn about aerospace, STEM, explore Space Camp, meet new people, and […]

National 4-H Conference – 2025

National 4-H Conference annually brings 4-H youth and adults from around the nation to work towards strengthening and expanding the 4-H Youth Development program at the local, state, and national levels. National 4-H Conference is the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture’s premier youth development opportunity to engage youth in developing recommendations for the 4-H Youth Development […]

Invitational 4-H Shooting Sports Events 2025

The dates for our statewide events are starting to be posted. If you have never attended these fun events, now is the time to check them out and plan to attend. The link is here for Competitive Shoots on the State 4-H Shooting Sports web pages. https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/projects/shooting-sports/competitive-shoots/

Buffalo County 4-H Members Attend Fall Forum 2024

Julia Moats Perspective: This past weekend I got the opportunity to attend Fall Forum in Stevens Point, WI with my mother and my niece, Kendall. This was my 8th year attending, two of those years being virtual. This was my first time attending as an adult leader, not a youth leader, which was very exciting. […]

Gilmanton 6th Graders Dive in and Become Explorers of the Deep!

Gilmanton fifth and sixth-grade students “Explored the Deep” with the National 4-H STEM Challenge! Mr. Lasher’s class beat the record for the least amount of items needed to ballast their ocean robot; they did it with four items. They determined it took 176 grams to make their ocean robot dense enough to ballast. A huge […]

Alma 6th Graders Become Explorers of the Deep!

Mrs. Glander’s 6th Grade explored density, buoyancy, and ocean robots! Students used hollow ocean robots to add density to make them ballast! Some of their favorite object to use included: clay, sinkers, coins, and various metal objects! Thank you to Mrs. Glander and Alma Schools for working with us to have a successful National 4-H […]

B-BC 4-H and Buffalo County 4-H at Trunk or Treat

On October 26, 2024, 4-H members Norah Lisowski and Stephanie Foust along with 4-H Youth Development Educator, Annie Lisowski, transformed their space into a mad scientist lab and invited over 400 youth and their families to spin the wheel of fate! We got to see lots of our 4-H friends at the Trunk or Treat […]

Mondovi 6th Graders Explore the Deep Sea using Robots!

On Wednesday, October 23rd, Mondovi’s 6th Graders became Explorers of the Deep! They learned about buoyancy, ballast, and different ocean locations. They used weights to make their ocean robot more dense so that it could ballast! Thank you to Mr. McCabe for collaborating on this National 4-H STEM Challenge!

C-FC 6th Graders: Explorers of the Deep

Cochrane – Fountain City sixth grade students became Explorer’s of the Deep! Students participated in the National 4-H STEM challenge, Explorer’s of the Deep on October 16th. First, they learned about ocean gliders and how they explore different locations, then they had the chance to try and make their ocean rocket ballast. C-FC sixth graders […]

6th Graders at Alma Area School Create Their Own Solar Houses!

On October 3rd, Deanna (Buffalo County 4-H Associate Educator) collaborated with Mrs. Glander at Alma Schools to create Solar Houses. Sixth-grade students learned about renewable energy and how to create simple circuits to create light within their homes. To make their circuit work, they used a solar panel, copper tape, positive and negative wiring, and […]

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