Our last meeting was on December 8th, 2024; it started at 4:01pm. The meeting was held at the Montana Town Hall. We had a Christmas party and made ornaments and cards for senior citizens in the area. We also decorated some Christmas cookies.
The pledges were led by Kaylee Schultz.
Roll call was taken by Raelynn Bork.
Finley Ellis gave the treasurer’s report.
We had no unfinished business.
The new business was passing our bylaws. There were no changes to the bylaws, so Emma Pronschinske made a motion to approve them, and Raelynn Bork seconded the motion, the motion passed. Next was our 2025 calendar and sign ups for demonstrations and snacks. Then we handed out ornaments for the members to take home and decorate for the ornament decorating contest. Lastly, we made Christmas cards and ornaments for the senior citizens in the community.
Emma Pronschinske gave a demonstration on how to make the ornaments.
Our next meeting is February 9th, 2024 at 4:00pm at the Montana Town Hall.
Kaylee Schultz asked for any further business. Gennah had a bronze award for our three leaders for being new and successful leaders. The meeting was adjourned at 4:15pm
Minutes taken by Emma Pronschinske