Participate in Wisconsin’s August 2024 Civic Health Challenge

  1. Join us on goosechase! Download the Goosechase app on your device and enter this join code – 8J5VP3. You will receive daily challenges through this online platform.
  2. Sign up here and participate via email! You will receive a daily email with the month’s challenges.

Whether you join us on goosechase or participate via email, you will receive a daily challenge representing a civic health habit you can implement in your life. At the end of the month, complete an evaluation and document the challenges you completed for a chance to win a gift certificate.

Wisconsin’s 2024 Civic Health Challenge is organized by the Civic Health Initiative of Wisconsin. This non-partisan initiative informs, promotes, and supports civic health efforts across Wisconsin to foster more connected and engaged communities.

Complete a challenge, build a habit, connect with others, and enter to win!

August is Civic Health Month, a nationwide celebration held to showcase the strengthening relationship between health care, healthy communities, and civic participation.

According to the National Conference on Citizenship, civic health is how communities organize to define and address public problems. Social connections, community engagement, and political participation help us gauge the level of civic health in a community.

Wisconsin’s 2024 Civic Health Challenge is designed to help us become active contributors to the civic health of our community. Daily challenges will focus on four themes: social connection, community connection, voting, and political engagement.