Frac Sand Mining Fact Sheets

Set of four new fact sheets by Anna Haines; Center for Land Use Education; UW-Extension/ UW-Stevens Point  Anna Haines is one of the UW-Extension Specialist who talk the one day session in Alma for Zoning Committees and County Board of Adjustment members.  A very good resource person.

Fact sheets developed by Steve Deller, UW-Cooperative Extension, Community Development Economist in response to frac sand mining issues.

Annotated Bibliography mining

Economic Multipliers for Mining

Stability of Mining

Who Takes the Jobs

What Does the Research Indicate

buffalo economic profile_2009

Community Economic Impact Study of Effects of Silica Sand Mining in Buffalo County committee copy

Steve Deller’s presentation from the May 1st meeting   General Profile WP

Notes from May 1st Deller presentation:  Notes by Carl Duley on Steve Deller

Ag Impact paper some info shared on May 1st  EconomicImpactsPaper_3-24-11-5final

Buffalo County Agriculture Impact brochure  agimpactbrochBuffaloCoFINAL

Economic Growth from Mining Staff Paper  staff paper 565 – Frac Sand Mining

 Summary of Findings:

  • Mining, as an industry within the U.S., remains inherently unstable through the “flickering effect” but the level of instability seems to be declining over time.
  • Ownership structure of the mining companies and the resource itself greatly influence the degree of economic impact and subsequent growth. Non-local ownership is generally associated with smaller economic impacts and lower local growth levels.
  • The growing pool of “resource curse” literature suggests that robust economic growth and development from resource extraction activities should be considered the exception rather than a general rule.
  • Communities that are more heavily dependent on mining for employment tend to experience greater negative impacts after the mines close than positive impacts while the mines are in operation.
  • One must guard against making blanket generalizations about the impact of mining on the local community. In many ways mining can provide well-paying jobs leading to lower levels of poverty. But on the other hand, mining activity appears to be associated with poorer overall health levels within the community.
  • For remote rural counties we have weak evidence that counties more heavily dependent on mining for employment will tend to have a slower population growth rate. There is more consistent evidence that mining has a positive impact on employment and income growth rates.

Issues to Consider:

  • Are mining operations consistent with other sources of economic activity within the region?
  • Is the public infrastructure (transportation networks) sufficient to support the mining operations? Are sufficient public resources (i.e., tax revenues) available to maintain infrastructure in the face of increased deterioration through usage?
  • Is there a sufficient pool of labor to meet the needs of the mining operations and replace workers who transfer into the mining industry?
  • Is the community making adequate investments to build on the economic activity generated by mining operations?
  • Is the community implementing strategies to adjust to mine closures? In other words, are post-mine plans in place and being acted upon?
  • Is the community learning from the experiences of other communities that have experienced this type of development?

Presentation by Steve Deller, given 5/21/2012 on staff paper:  Economics of Mining

Summary of “World Cafe” Discussion at 5/21/2012 meeting: World Cafe summary

The Economics of Sand Mining and Buffalo County – Executive Summary Frac Sand Executive Summary Final

The Economic of Sand Mining and Buffalo County – Final Report  frac sand Final Report version 1–4

Economic of Frac Sand Mining in Wisconsin -A report prepared for:Wisconsin Farmers Union, Wisconsin Towns Association, and Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.   Power Consulting, Inc.,  Thomas Michael Power, Ph.D. and Donovan S. Power, MS  Well written report, but the authors are not unbiased concerning the sand mining industry.  Click here to read the document:  Economics of Frac-Sand Mining Final (2) 

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